Photobook Portfolio


Photobook PDF

This was a nice end project. The efforts to design a working book to display my photography. The process of this project and in turn the entire class was a long process, but a fruitful process. I am pleased with how it turned out.

When designing the book, I pulled from additional areas of work that I have done before. Having taken graphic design classes, I understood working with grids and I knew my way around InDesign. I am not, however, a master at layouts and so this was still a learning process. I enjoy having an actual printed book and have enjoyed all that I have learned from this class.

Fine Art Print

The Selected Print with Edits
The Selected Print with Edits
The Unedited Image
The Unedited Image
The texture image that I used as an overlay
The texture image that I used as an overlay

With this image, I had a fun time designing and editing the image as well as the taking of the image. This image was taken during the Bannack Excursion during the portrait shootout. It was kind of an in the moment shot. The model just happened to pull out the watch and show it off and I jumped at the opportunity. With the edits, I utilized some of my standard edits, using both a brightness/contrast adjustment layer as well as a levels adjustment layer. I used the texture image on a color dodge overlay. I also used a colorized to sepia hue/saturation adjustment layer. Additionally I added a black vignette sat on a multiply overlay. With the image on the blog, it is the print adjusted image, having a smart sharpen and an added brightness on it. I enjoyed this process and the end product turned out pretty nice.

Themed Typography


JordanPope-Themed-3 JordanPope-Themed-2 JordanPope-Themed-9 JordanPope-Themed-8 JordanPope-Themed-7 JordanPope-Themed-6 JordanPope-Themed-5 JordanPope-Themed-4FineArtThemed

For this process, I primarily went for macro shots of rusty metal. I found that the textures on all the pieces were very interesting to look at. I then chose my favorites and selected out of those the ones that would work best with type. I then figured out the best placement, the fonts I wanted, and what I wanted to say. After I had all that figured out, I placed it all in the images. Hope you like it.